The Liberian Memorial

Our Story
The idea for the online memorial website was first conceived when I decided to re-create the life story of my grandparents. My grandfather served in the military with his brothers during World War II. He passed away when I was a child, so I have only vague memories of him. My grandmother faced great hardships raising my dad and his two siblings in impoverished post-war Russia. I have tender memories of her that I will cherish forever.
While reflecting upon my grandparents’ lives, I was surprised how little I actually knew about them. It took some effort to uncover precious old photographs hidden away in family albums that I had not even seen before, and to encourage other family members to share what they knew about my grandparent’s lives. I also realized that today, families like ours could use the Internet to create an online memorial page and easily share memories, photos and other media with one another. I could see that online memorial sites, dedicated to the lives of those we love, would go a long way towards bringing separated families together. These pages would also eventually help our children and grandchildren learn about the lives of their relatives who have passed while they were still young.
So, at the end of 2008, I launched ForeverMissed.com, a place where people could create an online memorial to collect and share memories of the people they have lost. From the very beginning, our team focused on making this service very easy to use. We have spared no effort in making sure that people with even modest computer skills can easily create a website to remember their loved ones. Now that more and more families are remembering their loved ones on ForeverMissed.com, we listen closely to their feedback and remain committed to continually improving our service.

The Liberian Memorial honors the life and legacy of 1+ million African slaves buried in the Atlantic Ocean and 250,000 plus Liberians and Internationals, who paid the ultimate sacrifice in Liberia’s struggle through tribal wars, slavery, resettlement, Africa’s independence, coups, wars, Ebola epidemic, Covid-19 pandemic and senseless civil conflicts for freedom and justice.
The courage and human dignity of these lives, known and unknown, deceased and those who survived shall forever remain in our hearts.
Let us never forget: “The Love of Liberty unites us.”
The Memorial is free. See visitor’s guide. Donations are accepted at the link:
For four centuries, we as African people have suffered horrific experiences of slavery and conflicts. We will rise from the waves of oppression, greed, hatred, corruption and violence. We will be a community of faith, united in transforming lives; stronger!
In 2022, Liberia celebrates the 200th anniversary of the return, the resettlement of US freed slaves, and the shared vision for establishing Liberia, Africa’s first black nation. We remember all known and unknown Liberians and others who served and sacrificed for the values of Liberia. We affirm love, liberty, resilience, justice, unity, hope, peace, and the dignity of all people. Beloved, you are forever in our hearts.